Ahadi Term Assurance is life insurance designed to safeguard your loved ones from any adverse financial situations. It enables you to provide for them a financial security net in your absence through a guaranteed lump sum, payable if the policyholder dies within the term of the policy.
This Jubilee Life cover offers genuine financial security to dependants when they need it most and is a cost-effective way to transfer inheritance.
Why choose Ahadi Term Assurance from Jubilee Life Insurance?
- 100% of the Sum Assured is payable to the named beneficiary in the event of the death of the life insured.
- The premiums are paid annually in advance and modes of payment are flexible, including banker’s order, cash, DDA and salary stop order.
- The premium is refundable in case of the survival of the life assured to the end of the premium paying term for policies over 5 years.
Key Benefits
Affordable rates
Flexible terms of one to ten years
Easy sign up